Flipped through Lime mag of march 08 yesterday,saw 2 page dedicated to singapore indie band,so decided to check them out just now.Surprised,they totally rock your shoes,shirts,bras and...more off where they should be.
Thus i decide to decide a music review post just for them using the best way i could ever think of.
THE FULL PLEDGE MUNKEES:Great highness in their song with funky beats and sound,LOVE the trumpet,best for dancing and feeling high.their first song is a malay song which i don't understand.but nonetheless the music is great!!
Music: 3.5/5
lyrical content:2.5/5
ASTRONINJA:punk outfit with ex-Ronin member Levan Wee heading it.Though the webpage has only 1 song,its surely a memorable one and stays in your head for ages,punk with special tinkling effects!indescrible!Hope to see more of their songs soon!
lyrical content:unknown,but it sounds to fit the song =x
BAD OBSESSION:if you like 80s rock like bon jovi, AC/DC n....more which i suddenly forgot,this band is for you!
Music: 4/5
Vocals:3/5 (screaming sounds too thin,sings like a punk,needs improvement)
lyric content:okok la,afterall rock is often associated with girls and sex n drugs n booze n all the rebellious,meaningless things in life. 2.5/5
overall:since im into 80s,90s rock music i will give them 3.5/5
ROSLI MANSOR:Once i heard his music,i became his fan!my idoL!technically and creatively inclined,so looking forward to hear more from this musician who also teaches at yamaha,heck i might as well buy his album,which he spent 2yrs doing it.
vocals:none cuz its instrumental rock you poppies!
WITHERED ROOTS:how can we forget my fave genre!grunge!unfortunately it does not suit my taste,metal doesn seem to suit grunge.After so much headbanging listening to nirvana,i could hardly feel the bassy filling notes.
Music: 3/5
lyrical content:sounds too emo,hear their 1st song die alone know already,pathetic.2/5
overall:2.5/5 perhaps im too into nirvana that i have higher expectations for them,but normally metal inclined grunge doesn have the same feeling.kinda sad =((
PEEPSHOW:for all you POPists,this band is one for you.A pop with a rock edge that even machismo guys can listen to.
vocals:3/5 what can you expect from a pop band?
20DISCHANGER:Another punk rock band to kill for!i sort of forgotten what to say already so heck la!just check out the band,comparable to your fave Pug Jelly/MCR and other punk boybands..
OVERALL VERDICT OF Singapore MUsic:Not to be underestimated,great music to rival other places.but most bands need vocal coaches and poets to match the international scene
You can check out other bands on this month's Lime mag if you wanna,lazy to type them all out,im stil checking out them FYI