i wanted to post these drawings as my blog background,but RuoTing said damn hard so i tink i would just use these as my laptop wallpaper.check them out yo.

Guess who drew them?!Kurt Cobain!surprised?me too!i love the guitarist picture and the skeleton picture!he's such a talented weirdo,i heard that he has some oil-paintings,not a wonder they are selling at such high prices at auction grounds.
Did i say that weirdos with some form of mental disabilities like speech probs are mostly genius at some sort of stuffs like maths and music eg?but they are usually retarded,shall show you some videos nextime.
Did i also mention that i have some sort of speech disability?nothing related to mental impairment or short tongue,just the laziness and habit of not eunuanciating my words clearly. =x fake genius,haha
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