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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

HI!ITS ALREADY 1.22am and counting andddd i haven bathe since i left school.Just returned from SongComposingClub at around 1130?Ate my dinner around that time too while chatting online about business proposal with my group mates

Heres a little peek of what i added to the proposal while i wait for the alterations and arguments with my group mates =)

5. Our preferred location
Meanwhile, we are still unable to verify the suitable locations for our stall, hopefully Npark would give us a few choices to choose from, or the freedom to choose our location.
6. Food and beverages provided
They will most likely be homemade so to provide customers the freshness of the products, cost and price sold for the food and beverages will likely to be cheap and affordable as well.
It also does not require any sophisticated equipment to make them.
Quality shall also be exercised and assured by us using good ingredients and safe measures of preparing them
7. Equipments used
Possibly toasters, blenders, device to keep food at a constant warm temperature, freezer to chill food, a cart or makeshift stall to place our equipments, bicycles/rollerblades etc what makes delivery convenient
8. Purchase of food
We will be trying to get our hands on made-ready sausages etc directly from the manufacturer factory so the price would hopefully be cheaper.
9. Procedures of payment of rental
We hope Npark, supporting the Singapore government in encouraging more young entrepreneurs trying to step out of their shell to open small businesses, would encourage us by waivering the rental fee or at least subsidise part of it, for the 1 month that we will be conducting our business.

We are also approaching our school for funding under the Entrepreneur scheme and the chances of success are pretty optimistic.

HALLULEJAH,AH MI TAU FU,@)#I)$*#)%*)@$*#@*$(#@.


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