v -: friday outing,yumm

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

friday outing,yumm

ah well,since i finally got the photos of last friday's outing,i might as well post them here 1st,other writings can wait.

that day was the only day up to my life currently that i proclaim it the "TRUE BLUE CAMWHORE DAY". Shocked me how many photos the girls took.

So.. where do we start..i THINK we walked around orchard, then decided to go the riverside to eat, ivan left early.

a group photo while waiting for our meal. And you know what's gonna happen when you mix eating with photography.UNGLAM SHOTS!not like we are glamourous people anyway...

Getting all high after dinner,nice oldies music+full tummy=drugs,sex & booze =)camwhoring!me joining inso does joel

Hongyi makes a rare appearance

wootx me crashing in

they snap the most out of you when you are tired

classically candid =)

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