HIP HIP HURRAY TO THE HIPPIES!It must be great to be a hippy,u live in the nature,strip naked run around,smoke weed,have orgies without protection,no need to work,TOTAL FREEDOM.LOL JK =p

I also bought a book by fate,i was suppose to buy a book called "THE WONDERS OF THE INVISIBLE WORLD" which i happen to spot at the nytimes reviews.But upon see-ing how decay-ed the book is at kinokuniya i decide to leave the book-searching all to fate
Look at how bloody attractive this book is!DONUTS!THIS BOOK MAY BLOODY HELL SAVE MY LIFE!
Yes that's the title.I swear i didn hunt this book,it just appear in my sight,and i turn the book back to see wad its about,apparently its about a guy who locks himself in his beautiful house everyday to trade shares online and forgot about his life!
LIKE WOW DATS MY AMBITION!I mean its interesting how things revolve because of different elements for eg,how the school is so small dat we probably noe each other somehow =)
AND!I bought a guitar mag from Heeren's HMV apparently cuz i had a $10 voucher.Guess what,i didn regret buying it at all though it cost $15.
the lime light of this mag(for me),is albert lee!Imagine,i didn know of his existence a week before,until i had been more interested in country music,that sets me searching on youtube.Then i realise this mag's albert lee is FCUKIN great guitarist!Fast,Twangy n full of joy.
4 detailed pages of the famous song of his "country boy".Its by far the most detailed mag about guitar techniques i ever seen.The Beige boxes above gives tips on how to grasp the style better.
A part of interview from Albert also states that its not necessary to really play like him, HELL HE EVEN PERSUADED EDDIE VAN HALEN TO PLAY COUNTRY BOY HIS OWN STYLE!I SO WANNA HEAR IT. Like even artists don't follow exactly how they play in the songs,its all about the feeling,inspiration =)
A page about sweep picking and arpeggios which i learnt from my teacher last sunday.Much cooler than the guitar mags in library,full of advertisements and interviews only.tsk.
Every issue is a must buy for guitarist! 5/5 stars!I don't think i can learn all by one month,like seriously man.
MY TOTAL SHOPPING EXPENDITURE TODAY=$25(around for the shampoos)+$15(mag)+$22(book)=$62
This shows how NEGATIVELY or positively we distribute our income,oh well, whatever makes u happy.HALLELUJAH =)
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