v -: the big bang

Sunday, March 30, 2008

the big bang

today after guitar lesson,josephine,the receptionist cum boss ask me whether i wanna take music theory exam anot.Great!At least i will have some specific goals for my guitar skills.But stil i wanted to consult Sukor about the exam.He today showed me the photos he took with the Maroon 5's guitarist,i forgotten whats his name,i bet u girls are screaming the hell out now.Anyway he also took photo with chris daughtry,some cool shit rite?Guess they were lucky enough to pass by goodwood hotel where he's performing.

Anyway I asked Sukor hows the Maroon5 guitarist skills
Sukor:"okok la (with movements in his eyebrow)"
Jy:Hiya nvm la,he is more of a song composing guitarist what,need to think more about composing then shredding
Sukor:ya true,the guy told me he wish he was as amazing a shredder as me,while i told him i wish i was as famous as him,haha.But he's a SUPER nice guy =)

So there u go you crazy bitches,a short convo between my teacher,me and a third famous person.Wonder why Adam Levine wasn there though,probably having a romp in his hotel room or sth;P

Well i don't really wanna be a shredder,but i think Sukor want me to walk that way,well no real harm right?except last few days haven really been practising,can already feel the rust after a few days..

Guess what happened a few hours back when i was composing a song with C scale chord progression on my organ?It suddenly went boom then the organ screen went blank.I didn notice what happened at 1st,thought some bee dropped into the flower pot next to the organ until i tried to play the organ =x

Well at least i got the verse done,can easily sing to it compared to the previous failed attempt where i tried to start a song with C chord,its better when i started with G chord.hopefully the singing melody should be dope enough to remain in my mind,or at least when i play the chords.

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