Forgotten what time to meet Sam so was late =x
Great outing we went eating at a sushi place at cathay then went haji lane to shop!Haji lane is a fcuking great place specially the japanese shop which sells 2nd hand stuffs

this was the poster i wanted to show Sam at Gramaphone but had a hard time finding it.Jodie foster!!cool!
Anyway i bought a big shirt which can serve as another layer of clothes on top of a normal tee,which is dam grungingly cool!looks like this

Alright so its a little big,but i mayb be able to wear it off.Just will look messy and i just need to act cute LOL!
So after walking Haji lane for like don't know how long?1 1/2 hr?We spotted a lot of fascinating vintage stuffs when we can buy when we have $.$!Haix so problematic guess i wont be buying clothes over $30 until i get a steady career or something..
Makes me so emo that 1 has so much time yet useless to do something to his future.Like exams coming yet cant do any about it,but its even worse then dat.emo emo spidey needs to listen to nirvana to vent his teenage anger and cry out loud!
Alright so we later went bugis starbucks and chill.I ordered blueberry n raspberry blended,dunno what berry ok?And Sam ordered ICed white chocolate latte,which ended up as hot 1,poor Sam =)
But it was freezing cold there and i wont mind haven a hot drink,the white chocolate tasteed better den the vanilla i had at spinelli!its less sweet and taste great =)
Here some photos:

Me reading newspaper to gain more knowledge about the world

Sam posing for her @candid@ shot

i dunno whats dat expression,just a victim of photography =)

Sam on another candid shot,getting bored here =))

A @candid@ shot
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