at least "god" gave me a brain,which makes things even more complicated.zzz
luckily "god" gave me a pair of hands,a cheap guitar and a amp too,and so i can play the song loud,and bend the strings hard to release all of my emotions,blues saddest most painful song in the world.
HAHA anywayyy today i went out with Sam,we went to some talent management agency,at 1st i wasn really interested but after when she said she oso helped to find performance for ppl who wanted to perform,my eyes immediately lit up =)
shan't go into detail,then after that we went the jap restaurant at the cathay and guess who i met there?JAMIEEEE my freshie!everytime i went there i will sure meet some1.The previous time i saw shuhua!
And we went PS to walk around,saw a Samsung booth,theres a dj-in game where the top3 winners will get a fone,so i just embarrassed myself in public for fun,fcuking MC.

And then again we went starbucks to chill for the umpteenth time?so sian!if only theres a

you can see how obviously sianded im while Sam happily SLURPS her chocolatey drink

Sam with a drastic change in hairstyle like omg!her bun changed into a string around her forehead.CHEENA POCAHONTAS!!
And we also posed with Sam's cigarette,like so much more embarrassing then playin the Dj shit which Sam rather would not despite handphones up for grabs?And yea i recommended Sam to do a prank nextime,stand in front of someone smoking and smoke her cigarette!IMAGine the person's reaction. LIKE FCUK OFF POSER! =))

Me trying hard to get a puff out of the cigarette! ZZZ
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